Wire Wrap Pendant Tutorial

I recently acquired  some very nice tourmalated quartz and thought I would take photos of different stages of the process of creating a pendant.

I am using 22 gauge sterling silver round for this one. I personally like 22 gauge for small to medium pendants because I do a lot of shaping with my fingers. I use 20 gauge for large pendants.

I cut 4 pieces, 6 inches long, then using painters tape I bundled them.

Next, I take another piece of wire, also 22 gauge round ( I know some people like to use half round ) and I start a bind wrap to tie the bundle together.

I clip the wire after about 4 wraps then use my flat nosed pliers to flatten the bind.

On this pendant I am adding a 2nd binding wrap, Then I carefully shape the wires around the stone. I position the binding wraps where I want them.

Shape the bottom wire to hold the bottom of the stone in place.

I then add a top bind wire, but do not cut it yet, to allow for readjustments. Place the stone in then start shaping the wires to hold the stone in place on the front and the back.

Once I have the wires shaped round the stone, then I separate the 4 outside wires from the bundle and then carefully twist the four wires together to make the bail. This is a technique I developed on my own over the years by trial and many errors, that I like to use on this style pendant.

I then the shape bail. On this one as I shaped the twisted wires with bail making pliers I also carefully flattened the twist for a nicer look for this one. I use the 4 wires I separated to bind the bail down.

Lastly, I use the rest of the 4 binding wires to add swirls, then do the final adjustments on the binding wires until I am happy with the way it looks.

Those are the basics to making a wire wrapped pendant. Depending on the stone, you may add more binding wraps. You can wrap irregular shaped stones easily with this technique as well.

I used sterling silver on this one, but I suggest if you have never wire wrapped before to use copper wire to practice with. Enjoy.

- Wayne


  1. thanks for the tutorial! very cool technique with the twisted bail!

  2. Very nice tutorial, well written. Thanks!

  3. That's the easiest one I seen so far that will not hide the stone. Can't wait to do all my loose stone's. Thank you
